The first public workshop of the MZ-RMBH1 happened on a Wednesday night of 12 February in Nova Lima. The meeting promoted by the technical team of the UFMG gathered representation of the civil society, the city halls and the city assemblies of eight municipalities from the east side of the RMBH.
The organization of the workshops were aggregated in micro-regions for a better use of the discussions. The division led to the creation of five micro-regions, also called by the acronym Rs. The first the workshop, ie R1, happened in the city of Nova Lima and counted on the presence of the cities of Caeté, Jaboticatubas, Nova União, Raposos, Rio Acima, Sabará and Taquaraçu de Minas.
This meeting inaugurated the first cycle of public workshops, which are events to debate the metropolitan space with the presence of the metropolitan citizens and shape the spaces, services, projects and wills that involve more than one municipality.
A considerable sum of representatives was present, and because of that, five groups divided the 125 participants of the municipalities of the R1. Besides the absence of the cities Nova União and Jaboticatubas, the workshops counted on the representation of Brumadinho and Belo Horizonte.
In each group, the participants had to show in a map, used as a tool for the debate, the points of interest, conflicts and existing projects in the cities of the east side of the RMBH. According to the secretary of development of Nova Lima, João Batista, the debate is required to increase the knowledge of the cities’ inhabitants about their neighbors. “The workshop congregates representatives from different places and facilitate to know the services offered in a city that, perhaps, borders with ours. Therewith more interaction can happen, generating jobs and business”, he emphasized, despite of not knowing about the strong agricultural production of Rio Acima.
To the farmer and ex-secretary of environment of Rio Acima, Carlos Antônio Pereira, who follows the PDDI since 2009, the lack of information about the metropolitan region as a whole is one of the existent deficiencies. Nevertheless, the Macrozoning’s workshops appears to diminish this problem. “Now there will be a focus to specify the ZIMs and clarify what the municipalities offer”, he explained.
Some of the services pointed by the five groups on this workshop were demands on retail, areas of environmental preservation and public services, such as health and fire services. The discussions, from now on, will generate technical reports to be object of debate on the First Metropolitan Seminar, scheduled on 8th May.
Sandro Veríssimo, representative of the Agency for Metropolitan Development, pointed out that the workshop in Nova Lima was positive to the project: “This beginning was important for the people to know each other and to exercise the debates concerning points of interest and conflicts. Discussion generates maturity and a spatial perception more wide to create solutions. Now the process is crucial.”
Among the initiatives of the first workshop of the Macrozoning, the theatrical staff Parangolé presented an instructive sketch to exemplify some issues and tensions of metropolitan interest. The play lightened some existent spatial conflicts among neighbor cities, and took as reference the cities of Belo Horizonte, Santa Luzia and Vespasiano, exhibiting in a playful manner the local deficiencies and the dependence of the offered services in the capital.
Right after the end of the workshops, between July and August, the Parangolé staff will prepare for the second step a new spectacle, which shall focus on the evolution of the process and the next steps of the Project of the Metropolitan Macrozoning.
On 20 February, Florestal hosted one of the meetings, followed by Brumadinho on the day 25. On March was the turn of the cities of Sabará and Matozinhos to receive the meetings, on 19 and 27 respectively. The methodology of work will consist on the same used in Nova Lima, liable to change a little, after the last workshop, whenever necessary according to the evaluation of the technical team that promoted them. Gradually the Metropolitan Citizenship will be commonly built!
The next events are already scheduled. Access the website and check it out!
1 Acronym for Macrozoning of the RMBH.